We’ve got some simple but often overlooked ways to keep your AC running strong for longer. Most of our tips are from years of experience where we’ve seen the same problems over and over again, most of which are completely avoidable! Do your budget a favor and consider making some future-minded changes to take care of your AC.

How to Keep Your AC Running as Long as Possible

Keep pets away from your AC unit.

It’s pretty common for a unit to be installed in the back of a house near doors and decks. Often, this is the preferred spot for Spot to be let out, too – and Spot doesn’t know anything about your AC, it’s just in his way. Pet urine that comes in contact with your unit could cause acid corrosion and damage parts or the entire unit permanently. If you can’t keep your pet away from the unit, we recommend using fencing, blocks, or another barrier to prevent access to the machine.

Don’t plant dogwoods near your air conditioner!

Summer is a hazardous time for allergy sufferers. Air filters, AC units, and duct work may not sneeze, but they’re feeling the impacts of the allergens, too – not to mention dust, pollutants and other debris. If you are installing a new AC unit, avoid placing it in an area where build up of leaves, grass, tree pollens / seeds, and other debris is common. If you have an existing unit, make sure to avoid planting any “messy” greenery nearby. Talk to your HVAC professional for recommendations on shielding your unit from these troublesome hazards. (Remember, repairs to a unit that is broken due to debris will not be covered by warranty.)

Consider installing a stone or brick border around your air conditioner.

Mowing and weed whipping near an AC unit causes grass clipping buildup in the exterior parts of the unit. Slowly, this buildup can push through the unit and disrupt air flow, which would be a big problem in three-digit temps! If your AC unit was installed in close proximity to high-growing grass without a border, consider making a 1-2 foot edge around the unit. Install bricks or another low-dust rock within the border. Make sure to avoid mulch or dirt; you should be able to sweep around the border to keep it free of debris.

Don’t put ANYTHING on your AC unit…especially people!

It may sound silly but it happens. When you don’t have another convenient place to sit your gardening supplies, you may consider sitting them on your unit for a moment. DON’T. See a few people deep in conversation during the backyard BBQ and one leans on your AC unit? RED ALERT! Maintaining your air conditioner to get the most life out of it doesn’t mean treating it like a Faberge egg, but an ounce of prevention goes a long way. Any weight on the unit can break parts and is completely avoidable.

Want more ways to keep your AC running strong for longer?

Your HVAC professional can give you tips like these and more. Even if it isn’t broken, annual visits from your heating & cooling provider to perform maintenance on your air conditioner can increase the life of your unit and save you big money. Call Stewart Heating & Cooling today to find out about air conditioning maintenance programs in and around Royal Oak, Michigan.